The Fair Site
The Fantasy Medieval Fair is situated in the Mount Gambier Showgrounds at 1 Pick Avenue, and the terrain consists of a combination of mostly flat grass, paved areas and bitumen. Reenactment activities and market stalls are accessible via bitumen, however some food stalls and the tavern are located on grassed areas which may become difficult for wheelchair access if there is heavy traffic or rain. Indoor locations have ramp access and this will be highlighted on fair maps.
We are continually striving to improve access to the Fantasy Medieval Fair and enhance the experience of our patrons with disability. Please contact us if you require any information or advice further to the below.
Parking & Drop-Off
An accessible parking and drop-off zone is located at the front entrance on Pick Ave. Accessible parking and drop-off will also be reserved just inside the carpark however this is a grassed area.
Based on feedback from our 2022 event, we have increased the amount of accessible seating throughout the fair, with seating provided at entertainment arenas, jousting, the Tavern, food stalls and inside the hall.
Accessible toilets are located within the main hall, and at the rear of the venue near the food stalls. These will be marked clearly on maps available closer to the event. Unfortunately at this stage only portable toilet facilities are available for those attending the Medieval Feast on the night of April 15.
Assistance Animals
As per the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (SA) s81, Accredited assistance animals are allowed to accompany patrons onto the grounds. No other animals are permitted. It is an offence to claim that a dog is an assistance dog unless it is accredited under the Act or covered by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)
Companion Card
The Fantasy Medieval Fair is a participant of the National Companion Card scheme, offering disabled patrons holding a current companion card a second ticket for their accompanying companion at no charge. These are available for the fair only, and must be presented at the point of entry.